Enlighten IC Growth Marketing Blog

Will Your Marketing Escape The Zombie Apocalypse???

Written by John Hogg | 09 October 2019

When we talk to business owners we are often confronted with an initial resistance towards anything Marketing. They tell us they keep plugging away doing the same things but nothing they do ever works. On the flip side of this they often get word-of-mouth referrals and this seems to work for them just fine.

Comments such as these made me start to ponder if marketing for law firms and tech companies actually works and then it suddenly struck me…

If your business is surviving on referrals that’s great as it’s one of the hardest types of work to influence. On the other hand, you can’t grow a business based on referrals alone! So what are you going to do?

The key question is, do you want to remain in Zombie Marketing mode, plodding along doing the same things over and over again with no real return, or do you want to take control and actually start growing your firm?

Beware The Zombies!!!

Whilst we don’t want to insult any of our readers out there we do want to highlight a few common mistakes which we see and as it’s Halloween we have also decided to be a bit tongue-in-cheek with our light-hearted Zombie theme… We hope you don't mind!

Have a look below and remember that all it takes is a few quick changes to get it right, and who knows… it might just save you from the Zombie Apocalypse!!!

  • No Strategy/ Plan
    Is your firm guilty of knee-jerking from one initiative to the next or should you build out a Marketing Plan which everyone is aware of and signed up to?
  • Don't follow the crowd
    Does your Marketing just follow the competition and because they purchase an ad in a local magazine you MUST do it as well?
  • Website Left To Rot
    Do you think you have a great website but just leave it to sit there and rot? Building a website only gets you to the starting line, it’s what you do with it that counts!
  • No Traffic
    Have you built everything and are now wondering why no-one visits your website? Maybe it’s time to start using Social Media to interest and engage your audience; execute an SEO strategy to win traffic from search engines; nurture known prospects with Email Marketing; and use Paid Search or Paid Social to attract the right audience to your website?
  • No Conversion Path
    Does you website just sit there with nothing to encourage visitors to get in touch (and we don’t just mean a Contact Us page)? Why don’t you optimise your website now so that visitors are encouraged to engage with your content and download something, book a call or basically just get in touch?
  • Nothing Interactive
    Is your site just flat and not have anything for visitors to interact with? Why not build a calculator, a quiz or maybe even introduce a simple pop up form?
  • No Follow Up Process
    What happens when an enquiry is received from your website (don’t worry some people we meet have never had one…)? Are they ignored or does your sales team go mad and hound them to death with call after call trying to make the sale? If so, maybe it’s time to look at your follow up process and consider the steps a visitor needs to take before you try to convert them into a new client.
  • No Metrics
    If you can’t measure results how are you going to know what’s working so that you can do more of it (and less of what you’re spending money on that isn’t working)? Make sure you set your reporting up early and track performance against your objectives.

Einstein is often misquoted as saying that the definition of insanity is not the fact you have made a mistake but the fact you are continuing to do the same things over and over again yet expecting a different result. Whether he actually said this or not, we like it and as such we would implore you to take time out this Halloween and put a stop to any Zombie Marketing at your firm.

It’s time to take a fresh look at your marketing. Cut out the old activities that aren’t working and introduce tried and tested techniques to generate new leads and enquires and kick-start your firm’s growth.

Of course, if you would like a little help with any aspect of this journey, you only have to ask. Feel free to click on the link below to set up a quick call to see what you need to do in order to get your marketing on the right road and well out of the way of those pesky Zombies…

If you liked this blog stay tuned for our Halloween Video which is about to drop any day soon… But you’d better be very careful…. Mwwahhhhhh!!!!

Lastly, all that remains is for me to wish you a “Happy ‘Zombie Free’ Halloween!!!”