Enlighten IC

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Interactive Growth Calculator

Welcome to the Enlighten IC Growth Calculator. We have designed this interactive calculator to help you determine what your firm needs to focus on to achieve your revenue targets. Simply fill in the boxes and work through steps 1 to 5 to see what is going to have the biggest impact on your firm's growth.

Check out our 'How To' blog & video for a quick walkthrough on how to use the calculator.

1. Growth Target

Please enter the revenue you would like your firm to generate this year.


This calculator is designed to help you determine what your firm needs to focus on to increase the revenue generated by your website.

Before we do this, we believe it is important to understand the split between traditional marketing activities and online marketing initiatives.

Check this out now...

Please enter a growth target to unlock the rest of the calculator

2. Traditional vs Online Marketing Contribution

What is the typical split between revenue earned from traditional marketing and online marketing? (If you don't know simply make a guestimate to get started)

Traditional Marketing

Online Marketing

{ data.annual_revenue_split.traditional_marketing }%

{ data.annual_revenue_split.online_marketing }%

Based on this revenue split your growth target will be:

Traditional Marketing

£{ data.annual_traditional_revenue_target | decimal }

Online Marketing

£{ data.annual_online_revenue_target | decimal }

3. Revenue Generated From Website

Average Value Of A New Client

Fill in your details

Average Monthly Visitors To Website

Average Number Of Enquiries
From Website Per Month

Average Number Of Clients
From Website Per Month

{ data.close_rate | decimal }%
{ data.conversion_rate | decimal }%

Revenue Generated From Website:£{ data.current_annual_revenue_from_online | decimal }

£{ data.current_annual_revenue_from_online | permonth } per month

4. What Will It Take To Achieve Your Growth Target?

Your website is currently generating £{ data.current_annual_revenue_from_online | decimal } a year (£{ data.current_annual_revenue_from_online | permonth }pm) from { data.ave_new_clients_per_month | peryear } clients at an average value of £{ data.typical_client_engagement_value | decimal }.

At this rate your website will need to generate an additional { data.clients_increase | onedp } clients this year ({ data.clients_increase | permonth }pm) to achieve the additional £{ data.revenue_increase | decimal } annual revenue required (£{ data.revenue_increase | permonth }pm) to reach your growth target of £{ data.annual_online_revenue_target | decimal } per annum (£{ data.annual_online_revenue_target | permonth }pm).

Current Website Revenue

£{ data.current_annual_revenue_from_online | decimal }

This is the revenue your website currently generates

Additional Revenue Required

£{ data.revenue_increase | decimal }

This is the revenue growth required to achieve your target

Growth Target

£{ data.annual_online_revenue_target | decimal }

This is the online target you entered above

5. What Do You Need To Do To Achieve Your Growth Target?

Average Value Of A New Client£{ data.slider_values.client_engagement | comma }

{ data.slider_values.website_traffic | decimal } Visitors

{ data.slider_values.leads | decimal } Leads

{ data.slider_values.clients | decimal } Clients

{ data.slider_values.website_traffic | decimal } Visitors

{ data.slider_values.leads | decimal } Leads

{ data.slider_values.clients | decimal } Clients

Online Revenue Contribution£{ data.slider_values.annual_revenue | decimal }Keep Going! You're Almost There!Well done! You have just hit your growth target!

£{ data.slider_values.annual_revenue | permonth } per month

Build The Case For Growth

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Thank you for using our Online Revenue Calculator. We hope you’ve found it useful. If you would like to set up a quick consultation to discuss your findings and look at where you need to focus your marketing efforts, please get in touch.


John Hogg
Managing Director
Enlighten IC

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