It is a well used phrase to say that we live in unprecedented times.
Even though this is true, however, who could have imagined that as the New Year rolled in with all the expectation and excitement a New Year and indeed a new decade can bring, that it would only be a matter of weeks before our lives would be changed in such an unimaginable way.
Covid-19 Coronavirus poses a significant risk to the health and well-being of most populations on Earth and in turn this has had a huge knock-on effect on the global economy.
With a lot of countries facing a lock down of their populations with only essential staff and businesses allowed out, this has left a large majority of businesses trying to keep things going with their staff working from home - whilst educating their children at the same time.
- At a time of crisis a key action is to communicate clearly, regularly, and positively with your customers.
In this regard, a lot of our clients have asked us if we could help them add notifications to their website easily.
As a HubSpot Partner we have therefore developed an Emergency Notification Module which can be purchased directly from the HubSpot Marketplace.
Four Pre-Built Emergency Notifications
This Module is packed full of functionality and has pre-built images, icons and text. Everything is fully customisable but to help get you started we have included notifications for:
- Health Emergencies
- Flooding Alerts
- Public Disturbances
- Weather Emergencies
Three Modules In One
The module also includes three different types of module within the one module.
- An Announcement Bar Along The Top (Or Bottom) Of Your Website
- A Large Central PopUP
- A Slide In CTA
We have tried to include as much functionality and pre-filled information as possible so that you can very quickly add the notification to your website.
The Emergency Notification Module provides complete control over your Notification's styling so that it can fit in with the style of your existing website.
Whilst you will most probably want to add the Notification to every page on your website, we have added an unique Whitelist and Blacklist functionality to give you control over which pages the Notification shows on. You can also control the number of days the Notification is hidden before a returning visitor will see it again.
HubSpot, WordPress Or Whatever!
This module has been designed to work on HubSpot CMS websites, however, if you run a Wordpress website or even an HTML website, we can very quickly convert the module to work on your website. Just get in touch to discuss how we might do this.
Where To Buy?
The good news is that this module is for sale in the HubSpot Marketplace NOW. Simply follow this link to find out more.
We also have a number of other Modules for sale within the HubSpot Marketplace here.
Is There Any Documentation?
The good news is that we have set up a new section on our website for HubSpot Marketplace Modules and all Modules come with a complete set of Documentation, Installation Instructions and FAQs.
You can view the documentation for the Emergency Notification Module here.
We hope that during this crisis that your business is not too adversely affected. If you believe that adding a Notification to your website would be useful to keep your customers informed, please check out the HubSpot Marketplace to find out more.
Alternatively, if you would like to get in touch to discuss your firm's marketing post the Covid-19 crisis, how to install a notification on a non-HubSpot website or anything else you have in mind, please click on the button below.